Get In Touch

For truck bookings or enquiries.

Hiab Transport Ltd


351A West Coast Road, Glen Eden
P.O. Box 20-334 Glen Eden Auckland 0641

Bookings and Inquiries

(09) 813 - 1177

Send Us a Message

Simply fill in the contact form with a description of the work you would like us to perform and we will call you back.

Thank you for choosing Hiab Transport Ltd.
Contact Form

Account Applications

Please feel free to fill out and complete our Account Application Form and Return to Us.

Just follow the links below the Quick Links on the left side where you will find a copy of the Hiab Transport Ltd account application form and our Terms and Conditions.

Or if you have question, please contact us at:
download application form
Owner/Director of the company, Robin Thomas, has been in the Hiab and Trucking game for over 40 years. With a love of the industry and the passion to succeed, the end result is Hiab Transport which became a Limited Liability company in 1993.